


Department of 安全 and 环保合规


教育及培训 Program

教育及培训 is an integral part of the safety and environmental compliance 程序.

The department's training specialist, 丽莎·科布, 是可用的 to provide training on a variety of safety topics for any university 或者医院部门. Please contact her to discuss arrangements. 不收费 to departments for training services.

电子邮件: lisacobb@bigjonbear.com

在线实验室培训 是可用的.

Please submit the following information in order to be enrolled in 在线实验室培训:


Please click the checkbox below to complete user verification.



国际航空运输协会高级培训 - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

电影列表 - List of videos and CD's that may be checked out from the Department of 安全 and 环保合规 at CSAB 336 by contacting 丽莎·科布.

Hazardous Materials General Awareness Training - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

Hazardous Waste Management Fact Sheet - PowerPoint简报

Healthcare Strategies Medical Waste Packaging - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

实验室安全 and 化学 Waste Management Refresher Fact Sheet and Sign Off (PDF)

Loading of Non-Bulk Packagings & IBC的 - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

Multi-Modal Shipping Papers - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation

选择 & 购买非散装货物 & IBC包装 - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation


Use of Dry Ice in Shipping - PDF of PowerPoint Presentation