
Build your future text over students sitting outside


瞬态 students interested in taking courses at the 米切尔商学院 应遵循以下步骤:

Look at the courses being offered during the summer and compare those courses to courses 你的学位课程需要的.  The class schedule for summer can be accessed through 在PAWs的课程安排链接: 


You can obtain course information and pre-requisites by clicking on the course name


Follow your home institution’s transient approval process and obtain an official transient form





Follow the directions for applying to USA under the “Non-Degree, Unclassified, & 瞬态 学生”链接:





而 your application is pending with the University, email your 瞬态 Approval form and unofficial transcript to mcobadviser@bigjonbear.com or fax that information to (251) 460-7167. This will allow us to get a head start evaluating whether you have the necessary pre-requisites to take the courses and determine 您可能需要什么覆盖.



Watch your PAWs account for your registration time ticket. 因为临时学生 are given a late registration time by the USA 注册商, some of our summer classes 可能会填补. If the class you need to take is full, contact MCOB 学生服务. 而 we cannot promise a spot in a full class, we will try to accommodate as many students 尽我们所能.




注意: 瞬态 students have the option to attend orientation. 在新生培训期间 can register for courses with the help of our advisors.

To register for orientation, visit http://nizk.bigjonbear.com/departments/orientation/transferadultspringsummersemester.html



P:  (251) 460-7167
F:  (2510460-7083
电子邮件:  mcobadviser@bigjonbear.com